

 Broadly speaking, our research group focuses on the design of electronic circuits with emphasis on those aimed at wireless communications.


Some of our specific research targets:

  • CAD techniques for circuit design. We have developed tools and techniques for the analysis, design and optimization of linear, nonlinear, invariant and switched circuits with both concentrated and distributed parameters.
  • Stability and bifurcation analysis of electronic circuits. This includes the investigation of the ability of some circuits to synchronize with some incoming signals.
  • Low power communication systems. Specifically we have revisited the superregenerative receiver and have extended its operation mode to be able to detect spread-spectrum and UWB signals while keeping its most remarkable features, namely low cost and low power consumption. This receiver has also been extended to be able to detect BPSK signals and its principle has been applied to the design of a baseband amplifier.
  • The design of low power wireless networks, which is strongly related to the investigation of power-aware communication protocols which base on low-power transceivers. This includes micropower techniques for programmable devices.
  • CMOS integration of communication receivers and transceivers.